
This article only applies for Long Stay. Click here to find more information about the difference between Long Stay and Short Stay housing.

Viewing VS introduction night

In general, our accommodation is allocated based on registration time. In our rental offer, you can quickly determine whether individuals with the highest registration time can participate in an introduction night or a viewing. For most rooms (and some self-contained units), an introduction night is organized. This is because these living spaces involve shared facilities such as bathrooms, kitchens, and toilets, leading to significant interactions among residents within the house. Consequently, fellow residents are given the opportunity to choose their new housemate after the introduction night. On the other hand, most independent homes (and some rooms) will have a viewing. In this case, the selection of the new housemate is solely based on registration time, without any influence from current co-residents.

A viewing, how does that work?

When a living space becomes available, we post an advertisement in our rental offer. The responses received are automatically sorted based on the registration time. The 15 to 25 candidates with the longest registration period will receive an invitation to visit the property. During the designated time, you will have the opportunity to view the accommodation and consider it further. Please note that there won't be any SSH staff members present during the viewing. After the viewing, you can inform us whether you would like to rent the accommodation or if you prefer to wait for another opportunity. If there are multiple interested candidates, the one with the longest registration period with the SSH will be offered the accommodation. That does not mean you only have a chance if you're number 1 or 2; sometimes the accommodation will be assigned to someone who is (much) lower on the list!

Someone else will attend the viewing in my place. Is that OK? 

That's okay! Please confirm this choice through My SSH. Your friend or family member is permitted to take pictures or videos, as long as no other individuals are visible in them.

I forgot to confirm the viewing. What to do? 

If you have not confirmed in time via My SSH, then unfortunately we cannot reverse this! Our system is automated and has already created the candidate list.