Rental allowance

This article only applies for Long Stay. Click here to find more information about the difference between Long Stay and Short Stay housing.

Can I get rental allowance? 

In our rental offer, you'll see if it's possible to apply for rental allowance. While it’s almost always possible to receive rental allowance for self-contained accommodation, this doesn’t always apply to rooms. If rental allowance is a possibility, you can only apply for it f the rent you pay is too high in relation to your income. You can calculate your eligibility for such on this page. Unfortunately, occupants of furnished Short Stay rooms are not eligible for rental allowance. 

You can apply for rental allowance if you’re under 23 years of age and your basic rent + shared service costs are between €236.19 and €477.20 per month (rent limits 2025). If you are 23 years or older, your basic rent + shared service costs must be between €236.19 and €900.07 per month (rent limits 2025).

What's my eligible rent (in Dutch: 'rekenhuur')?

The basic rent + shared service costs are your eligible rent, in Dutch called 'rekenhuur'. The following service costs are included in the eligible rent: electricity general area, caretaker and cleaning of the general area. An overview of your eligible rent for rental allowance can be found on My SSH, tab My accommodation. Are you moving internally? If so, contact the SSH to request your eligible rent.

My rent is higher than the amount I have to report to the Dutch Tax Authorities. Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. You do not receive rent allowance on your full rent amount, but on a part of it. You pay us a gross rent amount (net rent plus service costs). The amount you have to report to the Dutch Tax Authorities is the 'rekenhuur', eligible rent (net rent plus some service costs). 

I've got a subtenant. Can I continue receiving rental allowance?

No, unfortunately you are no longer entitled to rental allowance when subletting. You have to stop your rental allowance yourself via If you want to know more about this, we advise you to contact the Dutch Tax Authorities. Please note: in the context of subletting at SSH, the Dutch Tax Authorities uses a different term: ‘doorverhuur’ or ‘huisbewaring’. 

My rent has been increased. Am I still eligible for rental allowance?

On July 1st of each year, we adjust rent rates, typically in accordance with the inflation rate. You will receive a notification regarding the rent adjustment before May 1st. If the rent increase causes your rent to exceed the housing allowance threshold set by the tax authorities, but you were receiving housing allowance for your room before, then you will still be eligible for housing allowance. The Dutch Tax Authorities refer to this as 'verworven recht' (aquired rights). See the website from the Dutch Tax Authorities for more information.

Can I get rental discount?

In addition to rental allowance, The SSH offers temporary rent reduction to young people under the age of 23 with high rent. With the temporary rent reduction, you can then qualify for rental allowance. Do you quality for rental discount? Then you don't need to do anything, your rent price will automatically be adjusted with the rent reduction if you meet the following conditions:

  • you are younger than 23 years of age
  • you have a rental contract with a 'rekenhuur' above €477.20 (price level 2025)
  • and you rent a self-contained living space with rental allowance, that is owned by the SSH. TalentSquare (Tilburg) and Talentenplein 257-407 and 408-523 (Zwolle) are an exception; These buildings are not owned by the SSH, but you can get rental discount.