House rules

This article only applies to Short Stay. Click here to find more information about the difference between Long Stay and Short Stay housing.

General house rules

Upson signing your rental agreement you also agreed on signing the Terms and Conditions and the house rules stipulated in them. The house rules are in place to make sure everyone has a pleasant, clean and safe stay during their time on our accommodation. A full overview of the house rules can be found in the Terms and Conditions.

A pleasant stay

Besides the general house rules, try to become each other's favorite housemates and our favorite tenants by following these general rules. This way you will have a pleasant stay at our accommodation, so will your roommates and your neighbors.

  • Make agreements with your housemates on as many subjects as possible.
  • Use English as common language in the common areas with your friends and roommates.
  • Clean up after yourself; please throw your rubbish in the bin or container.
  • Be quiet after 10PM and consider your neighbours and fellow residents. 
  • Always check with your roommates if it’s okay to invite someone over. Do not invite guests to stay overnight in the accommodation. 
  • Does something annoy you? Speak up! Providing feedback will prevent possible conflicts in the future.

I am annoyed about my roommate(s)/neigbour

We’re sorry to hear you are experiencing nuisance from your neighbors. We would like to assist you with this matter since everyone should have a pleasant stay in our residences. Please inform us about the nuisance you are experiencing as soon as possible. If the nuisance you are experiencing is severe and our office is closed, we advise you to inform the police by 0900 8844. According to Dutch law, it has to be quiet after 10 PM, so do not hesitate to alert the police if the nuisance occurs after that time.

Can I have guests?

It is not allowed to have guests stay overnight in the accommodation. This is also stipulated in the Terms and Conditions you have agreed upon when signing the rental agreement.

Can I bring my pet?

We understand you might want to bring your furry friend with you! However, for hygienic reasons, pets are not allowed in our Short Stay accommodation. We hope you can find someone to take care of your pet while you stay with us.

Can I smoke?

Nope.. smoking is strictly prohibited in all our accommodation! If you are caught smoking this might have severe consequences for you. And not just for your health... This by the way also includes all types of smoking; such as vaping, sisha, ect.

Can I organize parties?

Understandable that you want to organize a gathering during your exchange period. Please note that it's fine to organize such gathering, but you cannot cause any nuisance and it should be quiet after 10 PM. To be sure, you can ask the SSH for permission at least 5 working days in advance as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions.