PhD and Staff

This article only applies to Short Stay. Click here to find more information about the difference between Long Stay and Short Stay housing.

Short Stay for PhD and Staff; what does that entail?

For new international PhD candidates who do not yet live in the Netherlands, Utrecht University and University of Groningen reserve furnished housing via SSH Short Stay. The accommodation available to PhDs and Staff are mostly single person studios with private facilities. Please note we also offer PhD for Long Stay in Groningen. 

When can I register for PhD/Staff?

You can register an account up to 4 months prior to your arrival. For instance, if you want your start period to be 1 September 2025, then you can register from the the 1st of June 2025 onwards. As of the first working day of the month your registration is reviewed by your educational institution. If your registration is correct after review by your educational institution, you will receive an automated e-mail about your approval and you can submit a reservation request on first come first served basis. Click here to read more about the Short Stay registration process.

How long can I rent?

As PhD or Staff you can rent for a minimum rent period of 1 month and maximum of 12 months.

When can I book?

Once your registration is approved, you will have the opportunity to book accommodation within your approved period, based on availability. It is important to note that accommodations are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. There may be instances where availability is limited, particularly during certain timeframes. Click here to read more on the booking procedure for Short Stay.

For example, if you have an approved registration for the period of 1 September 2024 to 30 August 2025, which spans 12 months. However, for the initial period of 1 September 2024 to 30 November 2024, all accommodations are fully booked. In this case, you have the option to book separate accommodations to cover the desired timeframe.

Continuing with the example, let's say an accommodation becomes available starting from 1 November 2024. You can select and book that available accommodation to commence your stay from that date onwards, even though it is not available from the start of your approved registration period.

Can I extend my contract?

The extension of your contract at SSH depends on the length of your approved stay and your registration type. Only PhD students renting a self-contained apartment can stay for a maximum of 12 months. If you haven’t reached this limit, you can extend your stay by following these steps:

To extend your stay, you must edit your approved registration by logging on your My SSH account and navigating to the "My Details" section. Under "Short Stay registration," you can edit your current registration period by selecting a new start- and end date. After clicking on "save", your registration will be sent to your (educational) institution again to be reviewed.  If they approve you for your new period, you can book a new accommodation within the approved period.

Please note the following when you want to extend your period:

  • It's not possible to add a new registration with the same type; editing the approved registration is the only way to extend your stay. 
  • When you edit your (approved) registration, the system automatically selects the first available start date in the future. The end date if flexible with the limit of maximum of 12 months.
  • If you already have a booking with us, you can add a new booking, but the total months of your booking may not exceed 12 months. The SSH holds the right to terminate your rental agreement if we discover that your stay with us exceeds the 12 months.
  • It's not allowed to have two bookings at the same address; if you want to add a new booking, it should be a different accommodation.
  • International staff & guests are not allowed to have another short stay contract with the SSH

Do I have to pay the fees again?

Yes, when you book a new reservation, your fees such as the first month's rent, reservation fee, and possible tax fee will apply again. This is because you are not extending your existing contract but entering into a new rental agreement.