Things to arrange before leaving

This article only applies to Short Stay. Click here to find more information about the difference between Long Stay and Short Stay housing.

Departure checklist

Of course, there’s a lot to think about when you leave. We are here to help! Here’s what you need to do in 7 steps.

  1. Fill-out the departure form to notify us about your departure and plan your pre-check. Please note, filling out the departure form is mandatory*.
  2. Report repair issues. Please let us know via My SSH, tab 'Repair request'.
  3. Clean your room and the communal places. Lots of people will be leaving earlier than the contract end-date. This often impacts communal cleaning. Even so, you remain responsible collectively, as a unit, to clean communal areas. Make sure to clean the kitchen, floor, inventory, door, windows, bathroom, toilet, dustbin, etc. You should leave the room/unit the same way as you have entered it. Also do not forget to remove or sell your bike if you are leaving the Netherlands.
  4. Dispose your garbage. Please remove all your personal belongings and furniture you have brought in. The same goes for your bed sheets, pillow, etc. There are several options to donate your stuff to recycling organizationsIn some buildings, we will place a bulky waste container. Here you can find more information when (or if) there will be a bulky waste container placed at your building. If you fail to remove extra furniture you have brought in, we charge you the costs of getting the items removed.
  5. Check your outstanding payments. Please go to ‘My SSH’ to check if you have any outstanding payments, and make sure to complete these before you leave.
  6. Return your keys**. Make sure to hand in your keys no later than 10:00 AM on the last day of your rental agreement. Here you'll find the exact location to drop your keys. If you do not hand in your keys, we will charge you €25 per missing key.
  7. Deregister at the municipality. Finally, do not forget to deregister at the municipality. You can do this either online with DigiD or you can make an appointment at your town hall.

* For PhD/staff: we’ll inform you about the pre-check, you do not need to fill in our form. This concerns PhD/Staff who booked an apartment in Utrecht at Kriekenpitplein, Campusplein, Nieuwegracht and Bisschoppen. In Groningen this concerns PhD/Staff/Exchange/Bachelor who have booked an accommodation at Upsilon or Cornus. Approximately 2-3 weeks before your end date, you will receive a departure e-mail regarding your pre-check. 

** In case of a phone key instead of a physical key, we will deactivate your access at 10:00 AM on the last day of your rental agreement.

When do I need to leave?

Your room must be empty, clean and vacated on the last day of your rental agreement, before 10:00AM. Your keys must be returned before 10:00AM too. In case of a phone key, your key will be deactivated at 10.00 AM. Those who leave later than 10:00AM on the last day will get billed, as stipulated in the Terms & Conditions.

Earlier departure

It's possible to leave earlier, but please note that that your payment obligation remains until the last day of your rental agreement. If you want to leave earlier than the given pre-check dates, you still need to fill out the form, and you need to contact us as soon as possible to schedule an individual pre-check. Failure of doing this will lead to a fine of €250,- in all circumstances.