This page is only for tenants of Johanna (Utrecht).
Your specific situation:
- Your accommodation is equipped with a glasvezel CPE, also called hybrid CPE. A CPE is sometimes also referred to as a router. CPE means Customer Premises Equipment. Please note: do not take the CPE off the wall!
- Besides that, there are access points in the kitchen and study area. This provides an internet connection.
I cannot connect to the internet. What should I do?
If you can’t connect to the Internet, the LEDs on the CPE will tell you immediately whether your connection is working correctly.
- Of the power (U), optical link (--> and below <--), uplink (<>) and Internet (@) are permanently on, the LAN ports should be working correctly.
- In addition, if the wifi light is on, your wifi connection should also work.
- If the optical link, uplink lights or Internet lights are flashing, there is a problem.
- If the power light is off, make sure the power adapter is plugged in.
- If the Internet lights are out, press and hold the reset button on the front of the CPE until all LEDs have flashed twice. This can take more than 20 seconds! Wait a few minutes for the CPE to reset. It should automatically start up again.
I resetted the CPE, but the LED lights do not flash and the internet is not working.
Your CPE consists of various parts, which are sometimes not fixed well. Gently press the bottom front of the CPE towards the wall. The CPE may snap into place. Do not disassemble the CPE! This will cause damage. The LEDs may start working again after some time. If not, please contact us at Is there still a connection problem and do the icon lights keep flashing (which is unfortunately not visible from all positions).Or are you in doubt? Feel free to contact us at
My Wi-Fi signal has become very weak all of a sudden. Why is that?
Like most routers, the CPEs from the SSH are dual-band routers. This means you can connect devices using the 2.4GHz and the 5GHz Wi-Fi bands. A CPE using the default setting will show two SSIDs, one of which has the “5GHz” suffix. If this is not indicated on your CPE, it probably isn’t suitable for 5GHz Wi-Fi.
A poor Wi-Fi signal is usually caused by interference from other nearby CPEs. The solution could be to start using 5GHz Wi-Fi instead of 2.4GHz Wi-Fi. The reason why we recommend this is that 2.4GHz Wi-Fi really only has three usable channels due to the overlap between the channels, i.e. channels 1, 6 and 11. Aside from that, other equipment (such as microwave ovens) may be causing interference. 5GHz Wi-Fi uses more channels and is faster.
If switching to 5GHz Wi-Fi doesn’t help, sometimes resetting your CPE may help. Press and hold the reset button on the front of the CPE until all LEDs have flashed twice. This can take more than 20 seconds! Wait a few minutes for the CPE to reset. It should automatically start up again.
If your Wi-Fi signal is poor, an alternative may be to connect your computer or laptop to the CPE using a network cable. If your computer only has USB ports but no network connection, you can buy an Ethernet-to-USB adapter. This will allow you to connect your computer or laptop using a network cable.
The TV in my room has no image or shows an error
If you have a CPE from Genexis and are connected to SSHnet, you should also have a set-top box (STB). The STB should be connected to LAN port 4 on the CPE using a network cable. This port has “TV” printed above it. Connect the TV with the STB using an HDMI cable. No image? Check if the TV is on the right HDMI channel. Do you see an error or SSH image, check if the STB is connected to LAN port 4 (with 'TV' on it). If that's the case and the error keeps returning, switch the CPE and STB off for a minute, switch the CPE on again and - after seven minutes - switch the STB on again.
We have eduroam in the living room/kitchen and the image quality on the TV is poor
Please send an email to, stating the MAC address of the STB in the room where the eduroam access point (AP) is located, or send us a picture. The MAC address can be found on the bottom of the STB. Also send us the outlet number printed on the access point. Sometimes, this number is printed on the outlet to which the STB is connected in the living room. The STB is connected to the network through the access point. Please do not take the access point off the wall, as this may cause damage.
I've been quarantined. What does that mean?
The reason for imposing a quarantine is usually that a system behind your CPE or other router is infected with malware. Sometimes, you can see a special message for your connection at the top of the quarantine page. There is no way for us to know which system in your room is infected, because we can only “see” the connection from the CPE or router to SSHnet. In any case, make sure the malware is removed. Once the malware has been removed, click the yellow button at the bottom right of the quarantine page (which says “Exit quarantine” (“Verlaat quarantaine”)). After clicking this button, it will take approximately 30 minutes for the system to release the connection. You should do this with the browser on a computer or laptop; it usually doesn’t work with a phone.
If you are unable to clean your system with antivirus software, reinstall your system from scratch. If you are unable solve this issue, use the web form at the bottom of the quarantine page to contact the helpdesk. This way, the helpdesk will immediately see which connection is involved. Note: If we detect that you are being quarantined more often, we may block the option to remove yourself from quarantine.